Monday, September 16, 2013

Whole Life Challenge Day 9

Sunday, September 15th

1) What did you consume?

I ate eggs and a small fruit bowl for breakfast and pollo ranchero with guacamole and beans for lunch (so good it felt like cheating). On the 4 hour drive home from central Illinois (thanks IDOT for the I-55 road work), I ate nuts (too many), a Larabar and a banana. But really all I wanted was some of the chips, popcorn, donuts, candy or otherwise tantalizing gas station food. When we got home, I made an awesome avocado chicken salad from this recipe, amping up the spice with cayenne pepper powder and red pepper flakes. Fast and delicious, this will be a regular menu item.

2) We're you active and what did you do?

It was a CrossFit off-day and a travel day, so the fiancé and I ran the mile or so home from the rental car place after dropping it off. I then had very good intentions of mobility, but Dexter and Breaking Bad were on and, if you watch either of these thrilling shows that are wrapping up final seasons, you understand that they required my full attention. I pretty much touched my toes once before I went to bed and called it a mobility point. Meh.

3) Did you complete the lifestyle objective an how did it feel?

Yes I think so. I've stopped monitoring so closely because I consistently drink more water than required anyway. At this point, I just assume I'm doing it unless there is an obvious departure from the new norm.

4) Did you cheat/lie?

Yep. Chewed gum and counted a very questionable mobility point. 

5) How do you feel?

It was a challenging weekend overall. The only thing that would have remedied my bouts of grumpiness while roaming like hungry wolves through grocery stores or driving through construction eating bird food was a Snickers bar, or maybe a KitKat. And probably donuts. Definitely white cheddar popcorn. Oh, and Chex Mix! Bold Chex Mix! Excuse me while I go wipe drool off my face before this client meeting.


  1. Hi- Your blog is awesome and funny- love reading it. I also love dexter and completely understand. Your doing a great job on WLC- keep it up!! And thanks for the great recipe links! Tiffani
